Boutique @ Kovan is a private residential project located along , in district . District is considered to be in the of Singapore. Boutique @ Kovan comprises units. From our records, there are 3 blocks in this project.
Not enough data to show sales trend for this period.
Try viewing transactions for last 5 years.
No sales transactions observed in the last 3 years for Boutique @ Kovan.
Date | Sale | PSF | Type | Location | Floor | Fl. Area | Tenure | Lease | |
No results |
Date | Rental | Type | Location | Bedrooms | Fl. Area | ||||
No rental transactions found. |
Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of Boutique @ Kovan and other nearby private property projects within 2km.
Note that there are no sales transactions for Boutique @ Kovan for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is shown as a flat line in the graph below.
Note that for the last 3 years, there are no rental transactions for Boutique @ Kovan. So, it is represented as a flat line in the graph below.
Project | Tenure | Distance | Lowest (S$PSF) | Average (S$PSF) | Highest (S$PSF) | Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) | Average Rent (S$PSF/m) | Highest Rent (S$PSF/m) |
Boutique @ Kovan | Freehold | - | $0 | $0 | $0 | - | - | - |
Lowland View | Freehold | 0.03km | $1,864 | $1,864 | $1,864 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
21 Richards | Freehold | 0.08km | $1,290 | $1,483 | $1,748 | $3.57 | $4.73 | $6.20 |
Infinium | Freehold | 0.09km | $715 | $715 | $715 | $1.50 | $1.85 | $2.22 |
Lowland Terrace | Freehold | 0.12km | $2,167 | $2,167 | $2,167 | - | - | - |