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Sales Transactions and Prices for Properties with 9999 years Tenure

The chart below shows the sales transactions trend for properties with 9999 years tenure.

  • Apartment : Stable or no visible trend

Sales transactions trend

The graph below shows the average monthly transacted sale price for each of the apartment units for properties with 9999 years tenure in the last 3 years. This is based on the transactional data collated for the selected period.

  • Apartment : Trending up
Average sale price trend

Displayed in the figure below are the low-high transacted price ranges for each of the property types. The length of each bar represents the gap between the low and high prices. The blue dot on each bar indicates the average price for that property type. Average price is calculated based on all the transaction records collated for each property type with 9999 years tenure, for the selected period (last 3 years).

  • Apartment : $1,088,000 to $6,500,000

High / low / average sale price range

Here, we broke down the transacted prices (low, average and high) and the units sold (for private properties with 9999 years tenure) over the last 3 years, grouped by property type.

Property type Units sold Avg $ Min $ Max $
Apartment 8 $1,938,236 $1,088,000 $6,500,000

There were a total of 8 sales transactions for properties with 9999 years tenure in the last 3 years, with the latest one observed in May 2024.

Date Sale PSF Type Location Floor Fl. Area Tenure Built
May 2024 $1,310,000 (Sub Sale) $697 Apartment Changi Road (District 14) 01-05 1878 sqft 9999 years 1961
Apr 2024 $1,119,000 (Sub Sale) $945 Apartment Balestier Road (District 12) 01-05 1184 sqft 9999 years 1960
Oct 2023 $1,538,888 (Resale) $1,375 Apartment Sennett Estate Upper Aljunied Road (District 13) 01-05 1119 sqft 9999 years 1959
Sep 2023 $6,500,000 (Resale) $2,366 Apartment Emerald Hill Conservation Area Emerald Hill Road (District 09) 01-05 2747 sqft 9999 years 1958
May 2023 $1,088,000 (Resale) $1,805 Apartment Roxy Square East Coast Road (District 15) 06-10 603 sqft 9999 years 1995
Oct 2022 $1,100,000 (Resale) $1,002 Apartment Balestier Road (District 12) 01-05 1098 sqft 9999 years 1961
May 2022 $1,430,000 (Resale) $1,253 Apartment Upper Serangoon Road (District 19) 01-05 1141 sqft 9999 years 2004
Mar 2022 $1,420,000 (Resale) $1,319 Apartment Joo Chiat Road (District 15) 01-05 1076 sqft 9999 years 1961
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