D-mansions is a private residential project located along , in district . District is considered to be in the of Singapore. D-mansions comprises units.
District | 15 |
Address | Dunman Lane |
Property Type | Area (SQM) | Area (SQFT) | Type of Sale | Avg. Price (PSF) | Avg. Sale Price |
Apartment | 155 | 1668 | Resale | $1,031 | $1,720,000 |
Not enough data to show sales trend for this period.
Try viewing transactions for last 5 years.
No sales transactions observed in the last 3 years for D-mansions.
Date | Sale | PSF | Type | Location | Floor | Fl. Area | Tenure | Lease | |
No results |
D-mansions comprises apartment units.
The graph below shows the average monthly transacted rental price for each of the apartment units for D-mansions in the last 3 years. This is based on the transactional data collated for D-mansions for the selected period.
Date | Rental | Type | Location | Bedrooms | Fl. Area |
Mar 2024 | $6,400 | Apartment | D-mansions Dunman Lane (District 15) | - | 1600-1700 sqft |
Nov 2023 | $4,200 | Apartment | D-mansions Dunman Lane (District 15) | - | 1000-1100 sqft |
Nov 2022 | $5,000 | Apartment | D-mansions Dunman Lane (District 15) | - | 1000-1100 sqft |
Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of D-mansions and other nearby private property projects within 2km.
Note that there are no sales transactions for D-mansions for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is shown as a flat line in the graph below.
Project | Tenure | Distance | Lowest (S$PSF) | Average (S$PSF) | Highest (S$PSF) | Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) | Average Rent (S$PSF/m) | Highest Rent (S$PSF/m) |
D-mansions | Freehold | - | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3.76 | $4.04 | $4.55 |
Suites@ Katong | Freehold | 0.11km | $1,365 | $1,675 | $1,775 | $3.11 | $5.42 | $9.00 |
Fortune Jade | Freehold | 0.14km | $1,266 | $1,648 | $1,932 | $2.00 | $3.67 | $5.23 |
Paradise Palms | Freehold | 0.15km | $1,621 | $1,711 | $1,802 | $2.75 | $3.65 | $4.54 |
Dunman Garden | Freehold | 0.17km | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2.43 | $3.44 | $4.00 |