Beng Tong Mansion is a private residential project located along , in district . District is considered to be in the of Singapore. Beng Tong Mansion comprises units.
District | 15 |
Address | Tanjong Katong Road |
Property Type | Area (SQM) | Area (SQFT) | Type of Sale | Avg. Price (PSF) | Avg. Sale Price |
Apartment | 107 | 1152 | Resale | $2,014 | $2,320,000 |
Not enough data to show sales trend for this period.
Try viewing transactions for last 5 years.
No sales transactions observed in the last 3 years for Beng Tong Mansion.
Date | Sale | PSF | Type | Location | Floor | Fl. Area | Tenure | Lease | |
No results |
Beng Tong Mansion comprises apartment units.
The graph below shows the average monthly transacted rental price for each of the apartment units for Beng Tong Mansion in the last 3 years. This is based on the transactional data collated for Beng Tong Mansion for the selected period.
Date | Rental | Type | Location | Bedrooms | Fl. Area |
Jul 2024 | $6,000 | Apartment | Beng Tong Mansion Tanjong Katong Road (District 15) | - | 800-900 sqft |
Jul 2023 | $6,700 | Apartment | Beng Tong Mansion Tanjong Katong Road (District 15) | - | 800-900 sqft |
Dec 2022 | $5,500 | Apartment | Beng Tong Mansion Tanjong Katong Road (District 15) | - | 1100-1200 sqft |
Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of Beng Tong Mansion and other nearby private property projects within 2km.
Note that there are no sales transactions for Beng Tong Mansion for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is shown as a flat line in the graph below.
Project | Tenure | Distance | Lowest (S$PSF) | Average (S$PSF) | Highest (S$PSF) | Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) | Average Rent (S$PSF/m) | Highest Rent (S$PSF/m) |
Beng Tong Mansion | Freehold | - | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4.58 | $6.23 | $7.44 |
Ritz Regency | Freehold | 0.03km | $1,558 | $1,670 | $1,783 | $2.38 | $3.55 | $4.42 |
Bella Casita | Freehold | 0.07km | $1,645 | $1,735 | $1,793 | $2.80 | $4.90 | $7.00 |
The Continuum | Freehold | 0.07km | $2,573 | $2,794 | $3,121 | - | - | - |
Imperial Heights | Freehold | 0.08km | $1,458 | $1,662 | $1,911 | $2.87 | $4.86 | $7.33 |