Summary of HDB resale transactions for Marine Parade (last 3 years)
Marine Parade comprises 2 room, 3 room, 4 room and 5 room HDB units. Shown below are the transactions volume trend summary and graph, broken down by month.
Marine Parade resale transactions trend
Resale volume summary
2 Room
3 Room
4 Room
5 Room
Average resale price trend for Marine Parade HDB flats (last 3 years)
In the last 3 years, the average monthly transacted resale price trend for 2 room, 3 room, 4 room and 5 room units in Marine Parade has been summarised as shown below.
Average resale price trend for Marine Parade
Resale price summary
2 Room
3 Room
4 Room
5 Room
High / low / average resale price range for Marine Parade HDB flats (last 3 years)
Displayed in the figure below are the low-high transacted price ranges for each of the flat types in Marine Parade. The length of each bar represents the gap between the low and high prices. The blue dot on each bar indicates the average price for that flat type. Average price is calculated based on all the transaction records collated for each flat type for Marine Parade, for the selected period (last 3 years).
High / low / average resale price range for Marine Parade
High / low / average price summary
Max $
Avg $
Min $
2 room
3 room
4 room
5 room
Marine Parade price range & units sold by age grouping (last 3 years)
Here, we broke down the transacted prices (low, average and high) and the units sold over the last 3 years, and grouped by flat type and age of the properties for a comparison.
2 room
Avg $
Min $
Max $
Units sold
51 to 55
3 room
Avg $
Min $
Max $
Units sold
46 to 50
51 to 55
4 room
Avg $
Min $
Max $
Units sold
46 to 50
51 to 55
5 room
Avg $
Min $
Max $
Units sold
46 to 50
51 to 55
Resale transaction details and prices for Marine Parade
Here's a view of the transactional data collated. For Marine Parade, there were a total of 484 HDB resale transactions in the last 3 years, with the latest one recorded in Mar 2025.
Summary of rental transactions for Marine Parade (last 3 years)
The chart for the rental transactions trend is shown below, with the overall trend summarised.
Rental transactions trend for Marine Parade
Rental volume summary
2 room
3 room
4 room
5 room
Average rental price trend for Marine Parade HDB flats (last 3 years)
We show in this graph the average monthly rental price trend for each of the 2 room, 3 room, 4 room and 5 room units in Marine Parade, for the last 3 years.
Average rental price trend for Marine Parade
Rental price summary
2 room
3 room
4 room
5 room
High / low / average rental price range for Marine Parade HDB flats (last 3 years)
Displayed below are the low-high rental price ranges for each of the flat types in Marine Parade. The length of each bar represents the gap between the low and high prices. The blue dot on each bar indicates the average price for that flat type. Average rental price is calculated based on all the rental transaction records collated for each flat type for the selected period (last 3 years).
High / low / average rental price range for Marine Parade
High / low / average rental summary
Max $
Avg $
Min $
2 room
3 room
4 room
5 room
Rental transaction details and prices for Marine Parade
Below are the transactional data collated for Marine Parade. There were a total of 484 HDB rental transactions in the last 3 years and the latest one recorded was recorded in Feb 2025.
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