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Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence

Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence is a private residential project located along , in district . District is considered to be in the of Singapore. Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence comprises units.

District 12
Address Shan Road
Property Type Area (SQM) Area (SQFT) Type of Sale Avg. Price (PSF) Avg. Sale Price
Apartment 2038.3 21940 Resale $3,943 $86,499,999

Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence

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Note that there are no sales transactions for Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is shown as a flat line in the graph below.

Comparison of Sales & PSF
Sales Comparison
Average PSF Comparison

Note that for the last 3 years, there are no rental transactions for Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence. So, it is represented as a flat line in the graph below.

Comparison of Rental & PSF
Rental Transactions Comparison
Average Rental PSF Comparison
Project Tenure Distance Lowest (S$PSF) Average (S$PSF) Highest (S$PSF) Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) Average Rent (S$PSF/m) Highest Rent (S$PSF/m)
Ariva on Shan Serviced Residence Freehold - $0 $0 $0 - - -
Pinnacle 16 Freehold 0.04km $1,181 $1,651 $1,842 $3.00 $5.05 $6.67
Casa Irrawaddy Freehold 0.04km $1,642 $1,667 $1,684 $2.67 $3.46 $4.42
The Centrio Freehold 0.06km $1,597 $1,692 $1,825 $3.13 $4.22 $5.60
Iresidences Freehold 0.1km $1,582 $1,741 $1,895 $3.09 $4.10 $5.50
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