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Avant Parc

Avant Parc is a 99-year private residential project located along Wak Hassan Place, in district 27. District 27 is considered to be in the Outside Central Region (OCR) of Singapore. Avant Parc comprises terrace units. From our data, there are 15 blocks in this project.

# of Blocks 15 (view)
District 27 - Outside Central Region (OCR)
Address Wak Hassan Place
Property Type Area (SQM) Area (SQFT) Type of Sale Avg. Price (PSF) Avg. Sale Price
Terrace 152.2 1638 Resale $1,441 $2,360,000

Avant Parc

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There were a total of 1 sales transactions for Avant Parc in the last 3 years, with the latest one recorded in Jul 2024. Disclaimer : our transactions data below does not include block numbers as the data is not available. If you would like to see a list of blocks / addresses associated with Avant Parc, please click here.

Date Sale PSF Type Location Floor Fl. Area Tenure Lease
Jul 2024 $2,800,000 (Resale) $1,709 Terrace Avant Parc Wak Hassan Place (District 27) - 1638 sqft 99 years 2011
Date Rental Type Location Bedrooms Fl. Area

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Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of Avant Parc and other nearby private property projects within 2km.

Comparison of Sales & PSF
Sales Comparison
Average PSF Comparison

Note that for the last 3 years, there are no rental transactions for Avant Parc. So, it is represented as a flat line in the graph below.

Comparison of Rental & PSF
Rental Transactions Comparison
Average Rental PSF Comparison
Project Tenure Distance Lowest (S$PSF) Average (S$PSF) Highest (S$PSF) Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) Average Rent (S$PSF/m) Highest Rent (S$PSF/m)
Avant Parc 99 years - $1,709 $1,709 $1,709 - - -
Watercove Freehold 0.21km $857 $1,006 $1,263 $2.09 $2.58 $5.00
Inggu 6 99 years 0.25km $0 $0 $0 - - -
Sembawang Straits Estate Freehold 0.27km $1,135 $1,470 $2,068 $1.02 $2.37 $4.13
The Shoreline Residences II 99 years 0.27km $1,589 $1,624 $1,659 - - -
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