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The Villas @ Sentosa Cove

The Villas @ Sentosa Cove is a 99-year private residential project located along Ocean Drive, in district 04. District 04 is considered to be in the Core Central Region (CCR) of Singapore. The Villas @ Sentosa Cove comprises terrace units. From our data, there are 8 blocks in this project.

# of Blocks 8 (view)
District 04 - Core Central Region (CCR)
Address Ocean Drive
Property Type Area (SQM) Area (SQFT) Type of Sale Avg. Price (PSF) Avg. Sale Price
Terrace 238.7 2569 Resale $2,724 $7,000,000
Terrace 344.3 3706 Resale $1,997 $7,400,000

The Villas @ Sentosa Cove

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There were a total of 1 sales transactions for The Villas @ Sentosa Cove in the last 3 years, with the latest one recorded in Aug 2022. Disclaimer : our transactions data below does not include block numbers as the data is not available. If you would like to see a list of blocks / addresses associated with The Villas @ Sentosa Cove, please click here.

Date Sale PSF Type Location Floor Fl. Area Tenure Lease
Aug 2022 $7,400,000 (Resale) $1,997 Terrace The Villas @ Sentosa Cove Ocean Drive (District 04) - 3706 sqft 99 years 2005
Date Rental Type Location Bedrooms Fl. Area

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Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of The Villas @ Sentosa Cove and other nearby private property projects within 2km.

Comparison of Sales & PSF
Sales Comparison
Average PSF Comparison

Note that for the last 3 years, there are no rental transactions for The Villas @ Sentosa Cove. So, it is represented as a flat line in the graph below.

Comparison of Rental & PSF
Rental Transactions Comparison
Average Rental PSF Comparison
Project Tenure Distance Lowest (S$PSF) Average (S$PSF) Highest (S$PSF) Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) Average Rent (S$PSF/m) Highest Rent (S$PSF/m)
The Villas @ Sentosa Cove 99 years - $1,997 $1,997 $1,997 - - -
Ocean 8 99 years 0.01km $0 $0 $0 $5.54 $6.38 $8.80
Coral Island 99 years 0.09km $2,717 $2,717 $2,717 $2.75 $5.07 $6.36
Sentosa Cove 99 years 0.09km $1,782 $1,992 $2,210 - - -
The Azure 99 years 0.26km $1,401 $1,728 $1,873 $3.55 $5.20 $6.76
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