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Projects in District 14
# 1 Loft# 1 Suites28 Imperial Residences33 ResidencesAdvance ApartmentsArena ResidencesAston LodgeAston MansionsAstorAstoria ParkAtrium ResidencesAvant ResidencesBalmy CourtBaode BuildingBeau VistaBliss ResidencesBliss VilleBlossom MansionsBlossom ViewBougainvilla ApartmentsCalin MansionsCamellia LodgeCanaanCanberlin ApartmentsCanberlin LodgeCanne LodgeCarmi MansionsCasa AerataCasa EmeraldCasa SarinaCasa SerenoCascataCassia EdgeCassia ViewCentra HeightsCentra LoftCentra ResidenceCentra StudiosCentra SuitesCentral GroveCentral ImperialCentral MeadowsCentro MansionsChen Fang MansionsCity PlazaCosmoCosy 23Cosy LodgeCrystal DewCrystal LodgeCrystal MansionsD - Heritage ApartmentsD' CasitaD' PalmaD'GalleryD'OasiaD'WeaveDakota ResidencesDelight CourtDeng Fu VilleE7 LodgeEast 25 ApartmentsEast ShineEdenz LoftEdenz SuitesEn Fu MansionsEng ApartmentsEscada ViewEsta RubyEuhabitatEunos GreenEunos ParkEver LodgeEvergreen ViewFamilie MansionsFern LodgeFrankel EstateFuyuen CourtGems VilleGeylang Conservation AreaGeylang HeritageGoodview ApartmentsGrandlink SquareGrandview SuitesGreen CourtGrosvenor ViewGuilin CourtGuilin MansionsGuillemard EdgeGuillemard SuitesGuillemard ViewIdyllic SuitesKembangan CourtKembangan EstateKembangan PlazaKembangan SuitesKembangan VillasKiara 10Kimnan ParkKingston TerraceLa BrisaLa FleurLe ArcLe CrescendoLe MaricanLe RegalLe ReveLeshan GardensLevenueLoft 33Long Hua YuanM SuitesMalaysia ParkMansions 28Mattar ResidencesMelosaMera EastMetro LoftMill CreekMillageMoriMoro MansionsNessNicole GreenNomaPaddy GreenPalm LodgePalmera EastParc EstaPark 1 SuitesPark Place Residences at PlqPavilion SquarePaya Lebar ResidencesPenang Service ApartmentsPenrosePrime ResidencePrimedgeQube SuitesRegal 35Reservoir VillasResidences 88Rezi 24Rezi 26Rezi 35Rezi 3TwoRoyce ResidencesSallim LodgeSarina ParkSarina TerraceSeng Yong VillasSerenity TerraceSilahis VilleSilverscapeSims DoradoSims EdgeSims GreenSims MeadowsSims PointSims ResidencesSims Urban OasisSimsvilleSin Chuan GardenSing Lian BuildingSinga HillsSixteen35 ResidencesSkt MansionsSmailing CourtSmart SuitesStarvilleStudio8Suites 28Suites @ EunosSuites @ SimsSuites@ChangiSummer ViewSunflower CourtSunflower GrandeurSunflower LodgeSunflower MansionsSunflower RegencySunflower ResidenceSunflower ViewSunny GroveSunny LodgeTedgeTerra VillasThe AlcoveThe AntaresThe ArizonThe CentrenThe ChampagneThe DiamondThe EbonyThe HeliconiaThe LattizThe LenoxThe MidasThe NavianThe OctetThe Sanctuary @ GeylangThe SunflowerThe Sunny SpringThe TrumpsThe VinesThe Water EdgeThe WaterinaTorieview MansionsTorievilleTre ResidencesTreasures @ G20Treasures@G19Treasures@G6Tropika EastUrban TreasuresVacanza @ EastVicenta LodgeVientoWang LodgeWaterbank at DakotaWindy HeightsWing Fong BuildingWing Fong CourtWing Fong MansionsYong Seng EstateYuen Sing MansionZyanya

E7 Lodge

E7 Lodge is a private residential project located along , in district . District is considered to be in the of Singapore. E7 Lodge comprises units. From our records, there is only 1 block in this project.

Not enough data to show sales trend for this period.

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No sales transactions observed in the last 3 years for E7 Lodge.

Date Sale PSF Type Location Floor Fl. Area Tenure Lease

No results

E7 Lodge comprises apartment units.

  • Apartment rental : Trending down < path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>

Rental transactions trend for E7 Lodge

The graph below shows the average monthly transacted rental price for each of the apartment units for E7 Lodge in the last 3 years. This is based on the transactional data collated for E7 Lodge for the selected period.

  • Apartment rental price : Trending up
Average rental price trend for E7 Lodge

Displayed below are the low-high rental price ranges for each of the property types in E7 Lodge. The length of each bar represents the gap between the low and high prices. The blue dot on each bar indicates the average rental price for that property type. Average rental price is calculated based on all the transaction records collated for each property type for E7 Lodge, for the selected period (last 3 years).

High / low / average rental price range for E7 Lodge
Low : $2,750
Avg : $3,350
High : $3,700
See all
Date Rental Type Location Bedrooms Fl. Area
Jul 2024 $3,600 Apartment E7 Lodge Lorong Melayu (District 14) - 1300-1400 sqft
Jul 2022 $2,750 Apartment E7 Lodge Lorong Melayu (District 14) - 1300-1400 sqft
Jul 2022 $3,700 Apartment E7 Lodge Lorong Melayu (District 14) - 1300-1400 sqft
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Compare sales, rental and their respective PSF price trends of E7 Lodge and other nearby private property projects within 2km.

Note that there are no sales transactions for E7 Lodge for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is shown as a flat line in the graph below.

Comparison of Sales & PSF
Sales Comparison
Average PSF Comparison
Comparison of Rental & PSF
Rental Transactions Comparison
Average Rental PSF Comparison
Project Tenure Distance Lowest (S$PSF) Average (S$PSF) Highest (S$PSF) Lowest Rent (S$PSF/m) Average Rent (S$PSF/m) Highest Rent (S$PSF/m)
E7 Lodge Freehold - $0 $0 $0 $1.96 $2.39 $2.64
Smailing Court Freehold 0.09km $0 $0 $0 $3.12 $3.44 $3.75
Palmera East Freehold 0.1km $1,579 $1,620 $1,661 $2.38 $4.10 $6.00
D' Casita Freehold 0.14km $1,357 $1,384 $1,420 $2.26 $4.04 $5.50
East Shine Freehold 0.15km $1,480 $1,480 $1,480 $2.82 $3.63 $4.36

E7 Lodge

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