Not enough data to show trend for this period.
No resale transactions observed in the last 5 years for block 860A Tampines Avenue 5.
Date | Resale | PSM | Type | Location | Floor | Fl. Area | Model | Built | |
No results |
Here's a summary of the rental transactions and price trends for the units at 860A Tampines Avenue 5.
Displayed below is a view of the rental price ranges and units rented over the last 5 years. They are grouped by flat types and blocks from Tampines Parkview. We will compare a total of 3 flat types (4 Room, 5 Room and Executive), across a total of 19 blocks within this HDB project/estate. Block 860A has been highlighted in the table(s) below for easy comparison with the other blocks in the same estate.
There were a total of 4 rental transactions in the last 5 years for units in block 860A Tampines Avenue 5. The latest recorded one was in Jan 2024.
Date | Rental | Flat Type | Location | Town |
Jan 2024 | $3,000 | 4 Room | Blk 860A Tampines Avenue 5 4 Room | Tampines |
Jan 2022 | $2,800 | 4 Room | Blk 860A Tampines Avenue 5 4 Room | Tampines |
Jul 2021 | $2,000 | 4 Room | Blk 860A Tampines Avenue 5 4 Room | Tampines |
Jun 2021 | $2,500 | 4 Room | Blk 860A Tampines Avenue 5 4 Room | Tampines |
Block | : | 860A |
Street | : | Tampines Avenue 5 |
Building | : | Tampines Parkview |
Postal code | : | 521860 |
Town | : | Tampines |
Recorded transactions floor area | : | 104 sqm |
Recorded transactions flat types | : | 4 Room |
Recorded transactions flat models | : | Model A |
Lease commencement | : | 1987 |
Year completed | : | 1987 |
Max. Floor | : | 4 |
Residential? | : | Y |
Commercial? | : | N |
Market or hawker centre? | : | N |
Multi-storey carpark? | : | N |
Precinct or pavilion? | : | N |