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Navigating the Challenges of Renting vs. Selling Your Property

NOTG 862 2 3 May 2024

Video description from @notgpodcast

This episode of NOTG (Nuggets on the go) dives into the complex decision-making process faced by homeowners looking to either rent out or sell their property, particularly within a few years of purchase. The hosts discuss the common dilemmas and potential shocks that come with early property sales, such as the need to continue paying a mortgage if the property isn't sold quickly or at the expected TOP price. They provide insights into the importance of long-term planning, suggesting that homeowners prepare financially for at least four years to mitigate impacts and maximize profits. This discussion is crucial for anyone in the 'flip and sell' category or considering their options after acquiring a new property. It offers strategic advice to ensure that homeowners are adequately prepared for the realities of the real estate market.
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