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Ryan and Jaelyn - Analyze Real Estate Masterclass

Video description from @ryanjaelyn-analyzerealesta307

Buying a property may be riskier in this current market. The truth is that both new launches and resale are now at an all-time high. To make Buying a property may be riskier in this current market. The truth is that both new launches and resale are now at an all-time high. To make matter worse, the fed have announced 6 rate hike this year creating more pressure for consumers to enter the market.

In my webinar, I’ll be sharing a proven method with you on how and where you can spot 6 figures discounts in the property market regardless of any market condition.

Secret no. 1, how to constantly get 5 – 6 figures discount in the resale market even when the market is at a high or low, by using our resale buyer framework.

Secret no. 2, when bank interest, rental, and even renovation cost is high, which property type should we look at? My team and I will be breaking down all these numbers so you can decide which property type suits you the most.

Secret no. 3, when is the best time to exit the property? The truth is, following the urban transformation and master plan is one great indicator but it’s not the most important factor that pushes up the pricing.

All you have to do is click on the link around this video and join us for this webinar.


This zoom call is non-obligation and the reason why I’m doing this is because I have seen many consumers overextending themselves just to buy or upgrade to a property.

They sell their current home first, then rent a place to stay temporarily. But because of financial constraints, they stay in an inconvenient area or rent a small place where the whole family has to squeeze together.

To make things worse, they have to pay the extremely high rental in the current landlord’s market & then, when they finally move into a new home, they expect the property to appreciate. But it doesn’t.
So not only did they not make any profits, they even lose money & made life harder for themselves with all the moving and packing. But this shouldn’t be the case.

When buying a property, it should be based on spotting the right entry price & knowing when exactly to exit and not just buying because it’s a new development that is being hyped up.

Selecting a right property shouldn’t be a gamble. It should be a well-thought-out decision based on logic and consumer buying behavior.

So if you are still watching this, all you have to do is click on the link around this video and join me for this upcoming webinar. See you there.

link: https://www.ryanjaepropertyplanner.com/webinar

Looking forward to meeting you there!matter worse, the fed have announced 6 rate hike this year creating more pressure for consumers to enter the market.

In my webinar, I’ll be sharing a proven method with you on how and where you can spot 6 figures discounts in the property market regardless of any market condition.

Secret no. 1, how to constantly get 5 – 6 figures discount in the resale market even when the market is at a high or low, by using our resale buyer framework.

Secret no. 2, when bank interest, rental, and even renovation cost is high, which property type should we look at? My team and I will be breaking down all these numbers so you can decide which property type suits you the most.

Secret no. 3, when is the best time to exit the property? The truth is, following the urban transformation and master plan is one great indicator but it’s not the most important factor that pushes up the pricing.

All you have to do is click on the link around this video and join us for this webinar.


This zoom call is non-obligation and the reason why I’m doing this is because I have seen many consumers overextending themselves just to buy or upgrade to a property.

They sell their current home first, then rent a place to stay temporarily. But because of financial constraints, they stay in an inconvenient area or rent a small place where the whole family has to squeeze together.

To make things worse, they have to pay the extremely high rental in the current landlord’s market & then, when they finally move into a new home, they expect the property to appreciate. But it doesn’t.
So not only did they not make any profits, they even lose money & made life harder for themselves with all the moving and packing. But this shouldn’t be the case.

When buying a property, it should be based on spotting the right entry price & knowing when exactly to exit and not just buying because it’s a new development that is being hyped up.

Selecting a right property shouldn’t be a gamble. It should be a well-thought-out decision based on logic and consumer buying behavior.

So if you are still watching this, all you have to do is click on the link around this video and join me for this upcoming webinar. See you there.

link: https://www.ryanjaepropertyplanner.com/webinar

Looking forward to meeting you there!
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