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Joanna's 4 Room HDB Resale Makeover | Singapore Home Tour

Reno King 410.5K 3.6K 14 May 2022

Video description from @renoking

IS JO MARRIED???? No la... this is her parents' house — also her childhood home! The shape of it is rather odd with a narrow width but Angelyn & Emily from ReztnRelax managed to make the best out of it! What do you think? The house is just as pretty as the person living in it hor? ;D

Promo Codes https://bit.ly/joannahousepromocodes
Reno Journey https://bit.ly/JoannahousetourIGS

Rezt n Relax Promotion
Receive a DYSON Pure Cool Fan TP01* when you sign a renovation contract with them. At the same time, the designer will prepare a mood board proposal for you & do some research on the design you want

https://bit.ly/RKReztnrelax or WhatsApp 9721 5338 & *Quote "RENOKING" upon fixing an appointment

*T&Cs Renovation contract should be valued at $30,000 & above to be entitled to the promotion


0:00 Introduction
1:35 Entrance
3:07 Dining Area
4:10 Kitchen
7:55 Service Yard
9:32 Common Toilet
10:43 Living Room
14:08 Joanna’s Room
19:32 Sister’s Room
22:24 Master Bedroom
23:14 Master Bedroom’s Toilet


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Website: https://bit.ly/RKLuckyKhoon
Quote 'RENOKING' for 10% off E+NT and ASB products.

Website: https://bit.ly/KOBLEwebsite
Quote 'KOBLERENOKING' for a complimentary Hera Smart Switch with purchase of any smart home package.

Website: https://bit.ly/Castlerywebsite
New homeowners special promotion: https://bit.ly/RKcastlerynewhomeowners

Oculus Collective
Website: https://bit.ly/Oculuswebsite
Quote 'RENOKING' for 10% off storewide.

Shiok Lighting
Website: https://bit.ly/shioklightingwebsite

Website: https://bit.ly/RKArova

Loft Home Furniture
Website: https://bit.ly/lofthomefurniture
Quote 'RENOKING' for $50 off $1000.

Website: https://bit.ly/excelhardware
Quote 'RENOKING' for 20% off storewide.

Website: https://bit.ly/RKwellsingapore

Website: https://bit.ly/RKSteigen
Quote 'RENOKING' $80 off any Steigen automated laundry drying systems. Valid till end May 2022.

Website: https://bit.ly/XingFloors
Quote 'RENOKING' for 15% offer + free *Bona® Premium Microfiber Mop*
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Woosa Sleep
Website: https://bit.ly/RKWoosa
Quote 'SLEEPYKING' for $200 off the Mysa Mattress!

Lava Vella
Website: https://bit.ly/RKLavavella
Quote 'RENOKING100' flash this video for $100 off with a min. spend of $500 (Valid to the first 50 customers, till 21 May 2022).

Soon Bee Huat
Website: https://bit.ly/SoonBeHuat
Quote 'SBHJOANNA100' for $100 off upon $2000 retail spending, till 31 May 2022

Website: https://bit.ly/RKSharp

Performance Coatings International
Website: https://bit.ly/PCIwebsite

Ariston Group
Website: https://bit.ly/RKAristongroup

Lumos Projector
Website: https://bit.ly/lumosrenoking

*T&C applies for all promo codes
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Find us on Instagram:
Reno King - https://www.instagram.com/renokingsg/
Ryan - https://www.instagram.com/ryanxgo/
Isabelle - https://www.instagram.com/bombiibii/
Joanna - https://www.instagram.com/joannalhs/



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