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A Classy, Marble-esque HDB Home at a fraction of the price

Crazy Nice Homes 22.3K 261 5 Jun 2022

Video description from @crazynicehomes

Inclined to the mod luxe interior design style but don’t quite have the budget for it? Well, good news is, the mod luxe design doesn’t necessarily have to come at a price!

The homeowners of today’s episode of Crazy Nice Homes managed to revamp their home into a marbly and classy abode while circumventing the exorbitant cost!

How did they do that? Watch the full video to find out now!


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IG: https://instagram.com/rosethermos.sg
Promo code: Use "RTxCNH" to get 5% off your purchase

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Honpo wallpaper
Website: https://bit.ly/honpoCNH
IG: https://www.instagram.com/honposg/
Promo code: Use "CrazyHonpo" to get 10% off your purchase (valid for 3 months)


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Crazy Nice Homes explores unique homes in Singapore with the most creative interior designs. We're an educational platform that aims to help homeowners navigate their way through their home renovation process.

Through home tours we hope to give homeowners a better insight and inspiration when it comes to designing their very own Crazy Nice Home.

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