Video description from @marcusluahsg
In this video, we will be talking about the upcoming new integrated development at Tampines called Parktown Residences. We will go through the project overview, downsides of Parktown Residences, estimated price matrix, floor plan and site plan, as well as why this could potentially be worth the investment.
Want to know more about the Floor Plans? Feel free to contact me and I will be happy to show it to you!
0:00 Introduction
1:28 Video Sequence
1:50 Where Is It Located
3:09 Project Overview
3:49 Overall Connectivity
4:25 Downsides Of Parktown Residences
5:52 Estimated Pricing
7:49 Site Map
8:32 Floor Plans
8:55 Which Is My Preferred Unit Type?
11:10 Why Parktown Residences is Worth The Investment
11:32 Why Did Treasure@Tampines Not Perform Well During Launch?
12:19 Treasure@Tampines Performance Since
12:52 Having An EC Right Beside May Become A Risk
13:51 This Development Is Not In The Heart Of Tampines
14:34 3 Key Indicators
14:46 Exit Strategy/Demand
15:19 How Much Does MOP HDB Cost in Tampines North Dr 1
16:02 Future Pricing/Development
17:15 Is the Price Justifiable in Comparison With Resale and New Launches
17:23 Transactions For Treasure@Tampines
17:51 Transactions For Lentor Modern
18:24 Final Thoughts
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